Those of you arriving at Camp Scholler during AirVenture will notice a big change at the main entrance. The three "booths" that previously occupied the entranceway have been moved to the left-hand side, adjacent to the red camper building. This will free up space in the entranceway, allowing three additional lanes of traffic into the campground. With camping rigs getting larger and larger, it had become increasingly difficult to maneuver them in between the booths, not to mention the difficulty in accommodating true "drive-up" service to the windows.

Camper registration check-in, however, will remain mostly the same. Temporarily park your camper in the driveway, walk to a registration booth to check-in, and then proceed to your desired camp spot. Those who have pre-purchased camping through advance online sales will find dedicated windows to handle your accommodations, getting you into the grounds much faster. Purchase your advance camping here.
Also, for those who arrive to Camp Scholler weeks prior to AirVenture (including Camp Scholler opening day on Friday, June 24), registration check-in will now be held at the campground's main entrance instead of the corner of Forest Home Ave. and Lindbergh Road where it was previously located. This allows us to effectively streamline registration operations in one central location. If you are flying in to set up camp early, a shuttle will be available to transport you from ConocoPhillips Plaza to the main registration building.
On to other areas of the grounds ...
Good news to report on the drainage front from a soggy Oshkosh. Yes, good news. Oshkosh has had its fair share of rain this spring, which has actually been a good thing. It has given us some good feedback on how the drainage improvements are faring in Camp Scholler and other areas of the grounds.
We are happy to report areas that saw significant flooding last year have seen, at most, minimal standing water after heavy rains this spring. What is there is gone in short order soon afterwards. Ideally, we all hope these drainage run-offs aren't tested with the amount of rain last July, but we are confident that nearly all of the problem areas have been addressed. Crews are now addressing drainage concerns in the Warbirds area.
Some of the feedback we receive in post-AirVenture surveys suggests the addition of more hard surfaces in Camp Scholler, whether it be roadways or camper parking. We are looking to that as part of a master improvement plan for the campgrounds; however, we have to take into consideration how that affects stormwater run-off and retention without wasting real estate vital to camping areas.
Warm weather is finally a starting to arrive in Oshkosh after what has been a cool and damp spring. Crews are seeding and repairing any leftover ruts from last AirVenture. Chip-sealing is beginning this week on the following roads: Stits Road and Lindbergh Avenue in Camp Scholler, the south end of Wittman Road along the flightline, Foundation Road on the traffic loop, and the Blue Lot parking entrance. All are expected to be completed in time for AirVenture.

Looks like the exhibitor tents are starting to bloom along with the dandelions.
Guess that means I should wrap up this blog. Just remember, one month until Camp Scholler opens!
Do you really mean that all of camp schollar south of Lindbergh and west of 28th street are closed for AirVenture 2011?
Sorry for the confusion, Janet. The area affected only runs to 24th St. to the west, and just a bit north of Elm Ave. That area will be closed as the grounds will need some extra time to harden in order to support the bigger rigs normally found in that 24-hour generator area. Thanks for bringing this to our attention, and we’ve clarified it in this story:
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