Check out the recent story highlighting the drainage improvements in Camp Scholler and the AirVenture grounds.
Some notable points from the story:
- A new north/south drainage area near 28th Street was established near campsites most severely affected by last year's rains.
- Campsites south of Lindbergh Road to about Elm Ave. and west of 28th Street to 24th Street were re-leveled. That specific area will not be open during AirVenture 2011 to allow it time to firmly settle.
- Other areas with expanded drain channels include Paul's Woods, just west of Knapp Street Road; Warbirds Camping and the Red Lot auto parking area, with expanded drainage between the Civil Air Patrol compound and the North 40; and Waukau Avenue, just north of the Blue Lot auto parking area and the Nature Center.
Why now? You've just closed off a major portion of the camping area for the convention! Yes, I camp in that area!
After studying the camp map, I hope there are west and south limits to closures, and I hope you will update your blog to reflect that, otherwise you'd be closing at least half of the camping space!
Sorry for the confusion. The area affected only runs to 24th St. to the west, and just a bit north of Elm Ave. That area will be closed as the grounds will need some extra time to harden in order to support the bigger rigs normally found in that 24-hour generator area. Thanks for bringing this to our attention, and we've clarified it in this story & blog: http://www.airventure.org/news/2011/110616_drainage.html
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